HR tools for HR managers

Are you responsible for hiring new employees and developing existing ones? Do you need to reduce recruitment costs and turnover and develop your people more effectively?

Use innovative online tools that HR managers from multinational corporations and startups across different business sectors rely on.

You will discover candidates with the best fit for specific positions, teams, or company culture

Psychodiagnostic questionnaires and tests allow you to quickly and efficiently obtain relevant information about candidates beyond the traditional CV or interview. These make it easy to identify those with the necessary aptitudes or motivation. With Job Matching, you can also determine a candidate’s aptitude for a specific position and how they will fit into the existing team or company culture. Take a look at our client’s case study explaining how Job Matching helps them select the most successful salespeople during the recruitment process.

Support functional feedback in the company

Support functional feedback in the company

Get important input and inspiration for the further development of managers and teams with feedback tools. With 360° Feedback, the evaluator gets clear, structured, and balanced feedback from different groups of evaluators, be they supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, or other internal and external partners. Regardless of position or structure, anyone can provide feedback using the Multifeedback. Do you want feedback immediately after a meeting or presentation and collect it on an ongoing basis at your convenience? Then Perfeed is a great tool.

Reward all candidates, even the unsuccessful ones, and boost your company’s image

Take advantage of the clear output reports from Psychodiagnostics and provide them even to those candidates you ultimately did not hire. They will surely ask you about the results, and you will be able to project a good image and positive perception of the company even with those who were not successful. The exit reports will provide all candidates with interesting and inspiring information that will help them deepen their self-knowledge and further development.

Our tools can become part of your HR systems

We can also integrate online tools into the chatbot, ATS, or HR systems you use in your company so that you have everything in as few “clicks” as possible. We have development under one roof, so we can customize the solution to fit your needs or identity.

Get data for timely and effective decisions

Get turnover under control. Tackle what really matters and help your company and people make sustainable progress toward your goals. Use Employee Surveys to measure key metrics such as satisfaction, engagement, or identification (loyalty) with the company and track trends. With advanced analytics and a nested methodology, you have immediate answers to what precisely you can do to influence people’s loyalty or engagement.

Enrich and better target your development activities

Do you want to enrich the classic training and development activities with something new that is more tailored to each employee’s personality or the needs of specific teams? Psychodiagnostics and tools such as 360° Feedback, Multifeedback, or Perfeed are extremely helpful, while team-specific reports can be an excellent tool for development planning or various team development activities.

We recommend to HR managers:

Need some advice?

Pavla Kaňková

+420 771 297 711

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