Job Matching

Choose the people you will succeed with

  • You decide who is the most suitable candidate for a specific position
  • Increase the performance of your teams
  • Discover hidden talent

Do you feel like you need to clone some of your employees? Do you need to reduce turnover? Do you want an overview of the talent at the top positions in the company? Use Job Matching. Use it to discover which candidates are more or less suited to a role in terms of personality. We make it easy to select candidates who will succeed.

Compliance with the requirements of the position

Allows you to link the results of questionnaires and tests to the requirements of the position


Job Matching also allows you to quantify soft skills and personality characteristics

Clear comparison

Allows you to weigh up candidates

Fit with different positions

Offers comparisons against different positions and workloads

Prioritization of competences

Allows prioritization and weighting for different requirements

Comprehensive assessment

Offers the ability to aggregate results for multiple Job Matchings

Product variants

Expert Job Matching

Immediately find out who has the best personality for a specific position. Expert Job Matching allows you to match candidates with pre-made profiles for typical jobs. But you can also create your own profiles that take into account the specifics and needs of your company or team. You can also set up Job Matching according to competencies or company values.

Success Factor Index

With the unique Success Factor Index method, you can reliably recruit people predicted to have high performance or other measurable indicators of success. In cooperation with you, we will create a mathematical and statistical model that will enable you to discover who will succeed or fail already in the recruitment process. This will not only save you time and costs on recruitment and adaptation, but you will also be able to identify the potential top performers.


Price list

Expert Job Matching is entirely free of charge. You only pay for the Psychodiagnostics used. The price for the Success Factor Index depends on the specific assignment. Contact us at, and let's discuss your specific situation.

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Clear and understandable output reports in varying detail

Both summary and partial output reports are available. In the summary output reports, you will find a comparison of the candidate against predefined criteria that are key to the job. In the detailed output reports, you will see results for individual psychodiagnostic methods focusing on different areas such as personality, the ability to cope with stress, career direction, and more.

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More information

Compliance with the requirements of the position

Allows you to link the results of questionnaires and tests to the requirements of the position

Job Matching is an ideal way to link precise job requirements to diagnostics outputs. You don’t have to be an expert in interpreting diagnostic questionnaires and tests. Job Matching simply shows whether and how well a candidate is suited for a given position.

Job Matching – Allows you to link the results of questionnaires and tests to the requirements of the position

Job Matching also allows you to quantify soft skills and personality characteristics


Job Matching also allows you to quantify soft skills and personality characteristics

In practice, each candidate tends to have different strengths and risks. With Job Matching, you get one aggregate number even for the complex questionnaires that you can compare with the results of others. This allows you to identify, for example, in which areas a particular candidate excels and where you can afford to relax the requirements.

Clear comparison

Allows you to compare candidates

Job Matching allows you to quantify a match across sub-questionnaires and tests. That gives you a quick and clear overview to compare individual candidates. You can make decisions quickly and still have an overview of very complex results. You can target those with the best scores if you need to act fast.

Job Matching allows you to weigh up candidates.

Job Matching – Offers comparisons against different positions and workloads

Fit with various positions

Offers comparisons against different positions and workloads

With Job Matching, you can look for a match with more than one specific position. If you have created multiple Job Matches, for example, for different types of posts, the results will immediately tell you for which one the candidate is best suited. That can also help when searching for talent for various projects within the company. Are you looking for creative or systematic people? Look at your people’s results through the lens of Job Matching.

Prioritization of competences

Allows prioritization and weighting for different requirements

Although Job Matching results are straightforward, they also allow for a very nuanced and sophisticated setup. Each scale can have a different weighting for the overall evaluation, as can each method itself. What is more important? The right motivation, personality traits, or attitudes and values? You can set up each Job Matching accordingly.

Job Matching allows prioritization and weighting for different requirements.

Comprehensive assessment offers the ability to aggregate results for multiple Job Matchings.

Comprehensive assessment

Offers the ability to aggregate results for multiple Job Matchings

Do you need a comprehensive assessment? Do you require more than just information about what the respondent is best at? Do you need to assess suitability in multiple areas? Assess each candidate separately and check the overall match, whether it’s core competencies or company values. You will gain valuable insights for further targeted development.

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