
Our clients are typically companies or agencies that use our tools to recruit and develop their employees or for their clients. If you are interested in individual development, represent the media, are a student looking for information, or are interested in open positions, use the tips below.

Need information for your studies?

Are you a university student in need of information for your bachelor’s, diploma or rigorous thesis? We accompany our psychodiagnostic methods with detailed manuals that you may find useful.

If you don’t find what you need, email us at and we will be happy to get back to you.

Do you want to get to know your personality and support your personal development?

Do you want to understand yourself better and discover or better name your strengths and weaknesses? Do you wonder if you are repeating the same mistakes and what you could focus on in your personal development? Try the Individual Development Package. The development packages combine appropriate psychodiagnostic questionnaires and tests and a consultation with an experienced coach. They bring inspiration and innovation and are ideal for individual employee development. Contact our colleagues at our partner TCC at and treat yourself to a quality guided development programme.

Would you like to try our Psychodiagnostics?

For obvious reasons, our Psychodiagnostics cannot be tested “mock”. To get an idea of how everything works and looks like, you can try our sample iProfil questionnaire. You will receive the output report immediately after completion. We hope it will enrich you and provide you with interesting inspiration and useful recommendations that will contribute to your development.

Are you looking for interesting training?

Do you enjoy learning and developing in different areas? In cooperation with our partner company TCC, we offer a range of original training and development activities that are sure not to fit in, but rather make a real difference thanks to our “Blended Learning” approach. Choose according to your interest and taste at

Do you want to work for us?

Are you interested in working for our company? Send us your CV with a cover letter to

Need data for the media?

Need data or information for your article or news story? Contact our marketing department at and let us know what would help you.

You can also get information about news and current events in the company on our blog.

Need some advice?

Pavla Kaňková

+420 771 297 711

You will be in good company with us

Have you made it this far? Then you only have 2 options: TRY OUR TOOLS CONTACT US

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