Psychodiagnostics in contemporary HR – trends and news

20. 02. 2023

Psychodiagnostic questionnaires and tests help map personality, benefits, risks, and development potential. Combined with tools such as Job Matching or the Success Factor Index, they can significantly streamline recruitment, adaptation, and talent selection. Read our recent interview with Marta Fabiánová on current trends in Profi HR.

Marta Fabiánová, Managing Director TCC online

Where is Psychodiagnostics heading?

The long-term goal of psychodiagnostics is to map people’s assumptions and preferences. Nowadays, the ability to complete online on any smart device is also a must. Current trends include making completion as user-friendly, attractive, and intuitive as possible. Outputs must be immediately accessible and understandable without time-consuming certifications. But a big trend, which we have been pushing for years at TCC online, is also targeting methods so that they truly measure what is needed. So for a senior manager, you’re likely to be mapping out a range of assumptions; for a data analyst, for example, you’ll only focus on being systematic, precise, and working with numbers. Other key recruitment criteria that have come to the fore are company culture and the alignment of the candidate’s values with those of the company.

What specifically does TCC online offer?

Feedback tools aside, we currently offer almost 20 psychodiagnostic questionnaires and tests we have developed for the real job market. That is, to provide HR professionals, managers, and participants with useful information on personality, work motivation, ability to handle workloads, management style, preferred company culture, and more. In addition, TCC online offers Job Matching and the Success Factor Index – tools that calculate the degree to which a given candidate matches the optimal profile. Immediately after completing it, you know how well the candidate’s profile matches the requirements of the specific position. During the hiring process, it may turn out that the candidate may have even better qualifications for a position other than the intended one, and the talent won’t fit the job applied for.

What methods are most popular with recruiters and managers?

The cornerstone of the various combinations of methods is the Multifactor Personality Profile. Culture Fit shot to the forefront last year. The Multifactor Work Profile, the Career Compass mapping motivators, and the Stress Management Questionnaire, which maps the strategies a person employs under stress, are also among the most popular. The Communication Style – Assertiveness Questionnaire, which we have transformed into a new version for the workplace this year, also remains steadily in the “top 5”.

What can we learn from this news?

Assertiveness in the work environment, not only in relation to close colleagues but also suppliers and colleagues from other teams, has become increasingly important. Assertive workers are able to assert themselves appropriately, stand by their decisions or opinions, know how to work with feedback, and develop relationships. In practice, this means not only knowing how to say “no” but also not being manipulated, dealing with verbal aggression, receiving praise well, and giving negative feedback appropriately. Assertiveness is not just about loudly asserting opinions; it is a basic communication skill that can benefit us both in and out of the work environment.

Need some advice?

Pavla Kaňková

+420 771 297 711


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