Martin Huml

Financial Manager


Martin graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University. He is the Managing Partner of TCC and TCC system and TCC online, where he is also the Financial Manager. He has completed courses and training in project management, effective sales, reengineering, a range of IT technologies and HR management, and coaching (Integral Growth).


Marta Fabiánová for Profi HR: How Leaders (Un)motivate Us

15. 04. 2024

Marta Fabiánová, Managing Director of TCC online, has written an article on leadership and motivation for the April issue of Profi HR....

Marta Fabiánová for HR news: How to get the most out of personality tests in interviews?

13. 02. 2024

Psychodiagnostics offer an important source of information about candidates. In practice, we receive a number of questions from clients...

PF 2024

20. 12. 2023

Leave the ball to the oracles! Also in 2024, build your HR solutions on data! Looking forward to working with you, TCC online...

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