The Multifactor Personality Profile offers a comprehensive view of key personality traits. Through 32 dimensions, it clearly shows how a person approaches other people, solves problems, makes decisions, and what you can expect from them at work. In addition to the personality profile, it also offers recommendations for further development.
The Career Compass Questionnaire maps a person's primary motivators and tells you which job roles are most compatible with their motivation.
A detailed mapping of a person's work style – whether they are typically fast or careful, spontaneous or disciplined, whether they need freedom or rules, and other important information about what you can expect from them at work. In addition to a clear output, you will also get valuable development recommendations.
Culture Fit maps a person's internal values and preferences concerning the company culture or type of work. It can also serve as an indicator of how well a person fits into a given company.
Team Roles is a questionnaire that identifies which of the 10 typical roles in a team a person currently holds and what are their benefits and risks. Thanks to the link to the Multifactor Personality Profile, it also shows which roles a person is best suited for and can therefore excel in.