Team Leader

For those who lead or will lead a small team of executives.

The Team Leader package will help you discover how motivated a person is to lead others and accept the powers and responsibilities of a manager. Can they handle the demands and stresses of a leadership role? How well can they apply logic and attention to essential details under pressure?


Only 44 EUR/USD for the whole psychodiagnostic package.

Job Matching

Did you know that we have a library of expertly built Job Matching profiles in our admin interface that you can use immediately? You don't have to think long and hard about whether or not the resulting profile matches the job requirements, Job Matching does the work for you! If you choose any package, the system will also allow you to turn on the "Job Matching" function, which will immediately evaluate how well the person's profile matches the expectations of the position. Want to know more about how our Job Matching works?
More about Expert Job Matching

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