The Multifactor Personality Profile is a fundamental questionnaire focusing on the respondent’s personality with a wide range of applications across all areas of HR. It is the building block of more complex diagnostic batteries.
In addition to the basic version, the Multifactor Personality Profile is also available in the PREMIUM version, which differs in the scope of the output.
The Multifactor Personality Profile is particularly indicative of basic personality settings, perceptions of the world, decision-making styles, and preferred activities. The questionnaire is based on significant personality concepts, such as MBTI or Big Five, and it also expands upon them by incorporating additional factors. As a result, it can describe up to 6,561 personality types.
In addition to a clear graphical output, the basic and extended versions also offer a comprehensive text section including an interpretation of the overall profile, identification of benefits and potential risks, development recommendations, and – in the case of a predefined optimal profile – a comparison of the results with the optimum.
The Multifactor Personality Profile forms the basis for using and interpreting other specialized methods. We recommend it as a starting point for building a comprehensive diagnostic battery with other questionnaires and tests.
You can also use the team outcomes for this personality questionnaire free of charge.
In addition, the extended version of the PREMIUM output includes a link between the personality profile and the expected management style, preferred team roles, or inspiration for development in the form of tips and recommendations for appropriate development activities in terms of form or scope. A further enhancement is the addition of “personas” to the output, which simplifies working with the results and helps to consolidate key information. The PREMIUM version is available in English, Slovak and Czech.