The Sources of Stress Questionnaire maps the sources of psychological distress in both personal and professional life. The questionnaire is designed for diagnostic purposes in the context of workers’ personal development, especially those exposed to psychological stress to a higher degree. For example, it can be used to prevent burnout syndrome.
The Sources of Stress Questionnaire maps 7 factors in the work area and 7 in the personal area. Each of these factors is monitored in terms of emotional attunement and the degree of stress it causes in a person. As a result, the Sources of Stress questionnaire allows us to identify which areas in our lives are unpleasant and stressful, which motivate us to perform better, and which help us cope with stress.
The questionnaire aims to enable respondents to become aware of which areas in their lives contribute to their increased stress levels and which, on the other hand, bring them joy in their lives and enable them to mitigate the possible effects of stress.
In addition, the Sources of Stress Questionnaire is linked to the Stress Management Questionnaire, which maps the strategies used when faced with a stressful situation.
This combination allows us to identify coping strategies that are potentially effective for the area that is eliciting an increased stressor response in the respondent and informs us about the extent to which the person is using this strategy.
The creation of the Sources of Stress Questionnaire was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Czech Technology Agency.