The Career Compass questionnaire focuses on work motivation and is an excellent tool for diagnostics of entry-level positions and employees in lower and mid-level management positions. It is also well suited for talent diagnostics and diagnostics of newly hired employees.
The questionnaire operates with eight basic work motives, which form eight motivation profiles: the realtor, the salesperson, the leader, the manager, the team leader, the expert, the talent, and the team player. The questionnaire provides detailed information about the respondent’s fundamental needs and a general idea of where they are headed in their career. The questionnaire facilitates the realization of often hidden or less apparent motives and completes the participant’s overall profile.
Aside from easy-to-read output in the form of a chart, or a career compass, there is also a text interpretation, which contains the following:
- A ranking of motivation profiles by priority
- A description of factors that improve the participant’s performance and satisfaction
- A description of factors that have the potential to decrease performance and satisfaction
You can also get a team output of this questionnaire for free.